Legal Notice

All names, logos and trademarks appearing on this website are either owned by INVENTO or one of its affiliated companies, or by a third party that has a contractual relationship with the company. Therefore, it is forbidden to misuse these names, logos, trademarks or any other content on this website, except as provided in the terms and conditions and nothing contained herein shall be construed as an agreement to use any names, logos or trademarks displayed on this website without obtaining permission. Upon written notice from the company

Links to other sites​

This site may contain links to other sites that are not linked to INVENTO. The aforementioned conditions do not apply to these links, and the terms of each site must be checked, and the company is not responsible for any practices on the linked sites that are not operated by our company. Also, any link contained in this site to any site not operated by INVENTO or on its behalf does not imply: (a) our approval or endorsement of the information, data or images contained therein, (b) that we authorize the linked site to use any names or Logos, trademarks or copyrighted material.


THE MATERIALS ON THIS SITE ARE PROVIDED “AS IS” AND WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS WARRANTIES. INVENTO also disclaims any express warranties, including, for example, warranties of market validity and fitness for a particular purpose. The host of this website is free of viruses or other harmful components. It also does not warrant or make any representations regarding the use of the materials on this website or as a result of their use with regard to their correctness, accuracy, reliability or otherwise and you (and not INVENTO) must bear all costs necessary to perform all maintenance, repair and correction. We are not liable for any direct or indirect damages. We reserve the right to make changes to this website at any time we wish and without prior notice.